Skyrocket Your Reputation

Get more 5 star reviews and valuable feedback from patients that will enhance your trust and reputation online. See what a massive positive impact it will have on your existing patient relationships and future sales.

According to our 2020 surveys to more than 600 patients, over 84% of patients evaluate reviews before deciding on a clinic and doctor. But what makes a good online reputation?

Several factors impact your online reputation. Other than your overall online presence across social media, search engines and listings; the number of reviews you have and their average star rating, the quality and relevance of those reviews and their frequency are all crucial elements in building trust with your prospective patients.

You only have one shot to make a first impression

autoPatient makes it smooth and easy for you to collect 5 star reviews regularly on autopilot while keeping negative reviews and feedback internal. Our reputation management hub makes it a breeze for you and your staff to respond to reviews across all channels (Facebook, Google My Business) in one neat place without having to log into multiple different accounts and platforms. We automate review requests based on patients’ stage in the patient journey as well as their estimated satisfaction from their treatment to ensure high ratings and the right timing. Our internal surveys direct 4+ star ratings to leave a public review, while requesting internal feedback from lower ratings. This makes it far more likely to increase the average star rating of your reviews while at the same time gaining valuable feedback from less satisfied patients, which will help you improve your services in the future. In case of negative reviews, our alerts help you keep your reputation under control by addressing them as soon as possible. If needed, our hub gives you an easy option to dispute inaccurate negative reviews.

Display reviews and testimonials on your site

autoPatient smart surveys give you the option of requesting a public review on Google, Facebook, Yelp etc. as well as the option of requesting a photo or video testimonial from your patients, with just 2 clicks directly on their mobile. Using our reviews widget, we will post your best reviews on your website to increase your credibility. Boost the number of positive reviews while gaining visual testimonials from patients to be used on your website and across social media.

autoPatient will never again let you worry about your practice growth!

See how help we help aesthetic practices grow their clinics and thrive.

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