Skyrocket Your Online Presence

So you have a beautiful website that's optimized for appointment bookings, but now you need sustainable qualified traffic on a regular basis. While Google and Social Media advertising is a quick fix, it can get increasingly expensive if that is your only method of traffic generation and patient attraction. That's where SEO and Listings Management come in.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a long term investment. It's the same kind of investment as reading books daily or investing a part of your savings each month into a stock index. In these types of investments, you rarely see an immediate return; but the beautiful thing is that over time, the return on your investment compounds exponentially. When you invest in SEO, over time you enhance your online presence to become an authority and thought leader in your local area, you increase the amount of free organic traffic to your website so your advertising costs decrease, and you boost your trust which in turn boosts your appointment bookings and treatment sales.

So how does it work?

The industry-leading SEO experts at autoPatient create search engine optimization (SEO) strategies that boost your patient acquisition, brand and overall clinic growth. Over a period of a few months, experience significant tangible results.

Get Noticed

Elevate your search ranking to the top of search results to ensure that interested patients are finding your clinic and services first.

Local Results

Target local patients with specific content and keywords. Get more calls, messages and appointments from local patients through your website and through top rankings on Google Maps.

Spread The Word

Post content on your blog and external websites as well as build backlinks to your site that increase traffic and overall authority.

Convert Patients

Traffic is increased with one objective in mind: to get more appointments with qualified patients. All listings and links are integrated with online scheduling, click-to-call and click-to-message.

Strong Visibility

Using our proven method of aesthetic medicine marketing, autoPatient builds a strong online presence for your brand and clinic across multiple web profiles including Google My Business (GMB), Maps, Yelp, Facebook, WebMd, DocFinder and all important medical and local directories. Through professional optimization, consistency and accuracy, and regular posting that drives engagement, we'll boost your visibility and presence across the entire web.

autoPatient will never again let you worry about your practice growth!

See how help we help aesthetic practices grow their clinics and thrive.

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